Bliv den nye (Senior) in vivo laborant
(For english see below)
I en biotekvirksomhed, der binder sig til at opdage, designe og udvikle innovative peptidbaserede lægemidler.
I afdelingen Translational Pharmacology vil du blive en del af et team på 23 personer bestående af forskere, laboranter, dyreteknikere og studentermedhjælpere. Vi har vores egen dyrestald og laboratorier til efterfølgende analyser. I vores daglige arbejde med dyrene lægger vi stor vægt på 3R, så vi sikrer en høj etisk standard.
En erfaren laborant foretrækkes, men nyuddannede kandidater kan også ansøge. Det er et krav du har et FELASA certifikat. Du vil være ansvarlig for planlægning, koordinering og gennemførelse af in vivo / ex vivo farmakologiske eksperimenter som bidrag til vores prækliniske forskningsprojekter. Det er en fordel at du kan så mange af de nedenstående teknikker som muligt, uden at det er et krav at du kan alt der er nævnt.
Ansvarsområderne omfatter:
- Gennemførelse af in vivo-undersøgelser af høj kvalitet i gnavere, herunder bidrag til protokoller, planlægning, udførelse og dokumentation.
- Erfaring med opsætning af studier i in vivo animal managing IT-system (f.eks. Benchling el. lign.)
- Udførelse af grundlæggende kirurgi hos gnavere, herunder anæstesi og analgesi.
- Prøvetagning og håndtering af blod- og vævsprøver af høj kvalitet.
- Administration af teststoffer (i.v., s.c., i.p. i.m., p.o.).
- Erfaring med indirekte kolorimetri (Phenomaster/TSE)
- Erfaring med monitorering af food intake i HM2 systemet.
- Overholdelse af forsøgsdyrslovgivningen og yderligere 3R-initiativer i de daglige aktiviteter.
- Gennemførelse af forskellige ex vivo-teknikker (f.eks. arbejde med primære celler og deres dyrkning, cellelinjer, organoider og biomarkøranalyse ved flowcytometri, ELISA-baserede assays, COBAS eller andre relevante metoder.
- Grundlæggende færdigheder inden for histologi (fiksering, indstøbning, farvning etc.) vil være en fordel.
- Drift og vedligeholdelse af laboratorieudstyr i vores in vivo / ex vivo analyselaboratorium.
- Aktivt bidrag til metodeudvikling og forbedringer af procedurer.
- Godt samarbejde både indenfor og på tværs af afdelinger for at sikre høj hastighed og kvalitet i projektarbejdet.
Personlige kvalifikationer
- Åben og positiv holdning.
- Grundig og ansvarsfuld.
- Proaktiv og kan tage ansvar for opgaverne.
- God til at samarbejde, men kan også arbejde selvstændigt.
- En ægte interesse for in vivo / ex vivo translational research.
- Komfortabel med mundtlig og skriftlig engelsk (virksomhedssprog er engelsk)
Hvad vi tilbyder
Vores medarbejdere er grundlaget for vores succes, så vi ønsker at kunne tiltrække og fastholde medarbejdere med stor erfaring og talent. Vi har en unik kultur, præget af fremragende teamwork og stærkt engagement på tværs af organisationen.
Vores arbejdsmiljø er kendetegnet ved et stærkt innovativt og tværfagligt teamwork med plads til individuel præstation og udvikling. Vi har en uformel men respektfuld omgangsform med høj arbejdsetik og engagement iblandet hyggelig humor.
Vi tilbyder en samlet lønpakke, der inkluderer grundløn, pension, bonus og et attraktivt medarbejderaktieprogram. Vi bekymrer os om vores medarbejderes trivsel og tilbyder sundhedsforsikring, brug af massage, fitness og en række sociale klubber og aktiviteter. Hvis du vil vide mere om at arbejde på Zealand Pharma, kan du besøge
Din ansøgning skal være modtaget senest d. 16. februar, 2025. Ansøgningerne vil blive gennemgået efterhånden som de kommer ind, og interviews planlagt løbende.
For yderligere information kontakt Senior Director Erik Max Wulff
Om Zealand Pharma A/S
Zealand Pharma A/S (Nasdaq Copenhagen og New York: ZEAL) ("Zealand") er en bioteknologisk virksomhed med fokus på opdagelse og udvikling af innovative peptidbaserede lægemidler. Mere end 10 lægemiddelkandidater opfundet af Zealand er avanceret til klinisk udvikling, hvoraf to er kommet på markedet. Zealands nuværende pipeline af interne produktkandidater fokuserer på specialiserede mave-tarm- og stofskiftesygdomme. Derudover omfatter porteføljen klinisk licenssamarbejde med Boehringer Ingelheim. Zealand Pharma er baseret i København (Søborg), Danmark. For yderligere information om virksomhedens forretning og aktiviteter, besøg venligst eller følg Zealand på LinkedIn.
Be the new in vivo lab technician
In a biotech company bonding to discover, design and develop innovative peptide-based medicines.
In the Translational Pharmacology department, you will become part of a team of 23 people consisting of researchers, laboratory technicians, animal technicians and student assistants. We have our own animal facility and laboratories for subsequent analyses. In our daily work with animals, we place great emphasis on the 3Rs, ensuring a high ethical standard.
An experienced laboratory technician is preferred, but newly graduated candidates can also apply. It is a requirement that you have a FELASA certificate. You will be responsible for planning, coordinating and conducting in vivo / ex vivo pharmacological experiments as a contribution to our preclinical research projects. It is an advantage that you know as many of the techniques below as possible, without it being a requirement that you know everything mentioned.
• Conducting high-quality in vivo studies in rodents, including contributions to protocols, planning, execution and documentation.
• Experience with setting up studies in an in vivo animal managing IT system (e.g. Benchling or similar)
• Performing basic surgery in rodents, including anesthesia and analgesia. • Sampling and handling of high-quality blood and tissue samples.•
Administration of test substances (i.v., s.c., i.p. i.m., p.o.).•
Experience with indirect colorimetry (Phenomaster/TSE)•
Experience with monitoring food intake in the HM2 system.•
Compliance with laboratory animal legislation and additional 3R initiatives in daily activities.•
Implementation of various ex vivo techniques (e.g. work with primary cells and their culture, cell lines, organoids and biomarker analysis by flow cytometry, ELISA-based assays, COBAS or other relevant methods.•
Basic skills in histology (fixation, embedding, staining, etc.) would be an advantage.•
Operation and maintenance of laboratory equipment in our in vivo / ex vivo analysis laboratory.•
Active contribution to method development and improvements of procedures.•
Good collaboration both within and across departments to ensure high speed and quality in project work.
Personal qualifications:
• Open and positive attitude.
•Thorough and responsible.
•Proactive and can take responsibility for tasks.
•Good at collaborating, but can also work independently.
•A genuine interest in in vivo / ex vivo translational research.
•Comfortable with spoken and written English (company language is English).
Bonding to innovate
Our employees are fundamental to our success, and we continue to be able to attract and retain people with vast experience and talent. We have a unique culture, characterized by excellent teamwork and strong engagement across the organization.
Making bonds is at the core of everything we do. From discovering and developing the best new peptide drugs for patients, to engaging with our partners or connecting with each other.
We bond as a result of our entrepreneurial culture where our people are encouraged to pursue their ideas and turn them into reality. We are curious about each other’s knowledge and expertise.
We bond through curiosity and playfulness as a team, allowing ourselves to challenge common thinking and drive future innovation. Zealand Pharma is a place where everyone is heard and contributes to the success, we all want to experience.
The Zealand Pharma DNA builds on four values: (1) We are bold, (2) We empower people, (3) We work as one team, and (4) We can be trusted.
Let’s bond and be bold
We offer a combined compensation package which includes a base salary, pension, bonus, and a possibility to join our employee share program. We care about our employees’ well-being and offer health insurance, use of massage, fitness, and a range of social clubs and activities
To find out more about working at Zealand, visit
Interested? Your application must be received no later than February 16, 2025. Applications will be reviewed as they come in. For further information, please contact Senior Director Erik Max Wulff
About Zealand Pharma A/S
Zealand Pharm de drugs for patients, engaging with partners or connecting with each other. This has led to more than 10 drug candidates invented by Zealand having advanced into clinical development, of which two have reached the market. Zealand’s current pipeline of internal product candidates focus on specialty gastrointestinal and metabolic diseases. Additionally, the portfolio includes clinical license collaboration with Boehringer Ingelheim. Zealand is based in Copenhagen (Søborg), Denmark. For further information about the Company's business and activities, please visit a A/S (Nasdaq Copenhagen: ZEAL) ("Zealand") is a Danish biotechnology company on a mission to change lives with next generation peptide medicines. In our effort to reach our goals bonding is at the core of everything we do. Let it be discovering and developing the best new pepti or bond with us through LinkedIn.